What bag can say without blinking “without counterfeiting, I am a Vuitton”? With nearly 500,000 counterfeit handbags seized each year in Europe, we can say that many little liars continue to walk around us! However, when we decide to treat ourselves to a luxury bag, it’s not to end up with a copy: we want our Timeless of Chanel in flesh and bone, or rather in chain and leather! To avoid counterfeiting, you have to be attentive and know a few golden rules. We give you all our tips in this article.
Check the seams
If there is one element that can give away a counterfeit bag, it is its seams. On an authentic luxury bag, they are regular, symmetrical and very fine. Most of the flagship models of Chanel, Louis Vuitton or Hermes even have an exact number of points that can be counted! For the quilted bags as the Lady Dior where the 2.55 from Chanel, the dive must also be precise and not sink roughly into the leather.
In the luxury leather goods, the lining is as important as the exterior of the handbag! The seamstresses of the major Houses do a job as clean on the back as on the main side of the bag, with smooth linings well placed in the corners. Checking this aspect can therefore allow you to spot a counterfeit bag.
Examine the details
Frayed threads, too shiny metal accessories, poorly connected zippers: every detail counts! It is all these small elements of the bag that make it possible to recognize the counterfeit. First, we advise you to examine the buckles and small buttons: the metal must have a polished appearance that is not too shiny, but not oxidized either.
On the loop of some hand bags, the logo is often imitated by omitting certain important details: location of the fixing screws, raised edges or even overlapping of the letters. At the slightest doubt, play detective by going to observe the original bag on the website of the Haute Couture House! The zipper pullers also deserve to be carefully examined: they must have finishes as clean as on the handbag itself, with a decorative thread when they are in leather, and not be cut asymmetrically.
="luxury second-hand Chanel bag" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/[items]/files/1/0313/9980/5061/files/Design_sans_titre_3_3080afe6-3162-4346-a26b-4a99d513e520_600x600.png?v=1686047753">
Beware of too low a price
And luxury handbag created by a major House has a cost. This reminds us of the hours of work required and the precise know-how to create such a fashion accessory. If you come across a bag whose price is completely reduced, the first instinct to have is to be wary and find out. It is essential to seek information on the reliability of a reseller, whether it is a site or an individual. A sac vintage does not mean an extremely low cost, because each model has a particular value: do not hesitate to contact us for more explanations on the luxury bags put on sale on the Vintega online store !
Track down spelling mistakes
No need to be the Bernard Pivot of handbag to notice certain details that don't add up! From the misspelled name of the House to a mistake in the words “Made in France” affixed to the label on the reverse, take care to examine these small elements of the bag. The font can also tip you off: each leather goods house uses a special font, with clear outlines, which is often difficult to imitate optimally by manufacturers of counterfeit bags.
Find the serial number
Who says luxury bag authentic so-called serial number: the latter gives information on the year of manufacture or model, and it is essential to prove the authenticity of the accessory. It is displayed on a sealed label (not self-adhesive!) or a card provided with the bag, which includes codes specific to each workshop – color and location of the logo, number of serial code digits, etc. With some creators like Prada, it is possible to check the serial number directly on the Maison's website. In others, however, there is no serial number: if your bag has one, it is surely a counterfeit!
="sac de luxe de seconde main" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/[items]/files/1/0313/9980/5061/files/Design_sans_titre_2_600x600.png?v=1686047659">
The serial number is sometimes supplemented by an authenticity card provided with the purchase: this is the case with Celine, Dior, Chanel or Gucci. Remember to ask the retailer to give it to you with the handbag, and still be vigilant because fake cards are often issued. All Vintega bags are delivered with a certificate of conformity guaranteeing the authenticity of your bag for life. If you are still in doubt, it is possible to turn to certain online start-ups that are responsible for authenticating your luxury bag.
Follow Vintega's advice
After these general tips, it's time to give you some specific advice from our favorite designers of shandbags ! For bags Hermes or Chloé, remember to check the presence of the accent on the House print. Hermes also makes sure to sign its bags with a marking in a non-contrasting color (in natural letters on leather for example, or gold on gold). At the house of Prada, the signature label inside the handbag also always matches the color of the model.
Regarding the loops: on the sacs Chanel, the right C overlaps the left C on the top, and goes back underneath on the bottom of the logo. The bags Gucci Marmont have a loop on which the left G is above the other G.
This article gives you the impression that you have to turn into an FBI agent before buying a luxury bag? No worries, you can rely on Vintega with your eyes closed! We take care of the "investigation" part to leave you only the "pleasure" part: we carry out all the necessary checks beforehand for each of our articles and issue you a certificate guaranteeing the authenticity of the bag at the time of your purchase. Visit our online store to find hundreds of models of second hand bags authentic!